Thursday, June 4, 2015

"Lies, Lies,Lies, Yeah" things that the Diet Industry doesn't want us to know.

Today I have been inundated with diet ads and articles. I guess now that summer is upon us, the diet industry is amping up it's efforts to capitalize on our insecurities.
Watch a commercial, read an ad for any diet/weight loss company.
They have a LOAD of promises.

They offer EASY solutions.

They LIE. Sweep under the rug. Falsely advertise. Play on our emotions and our natural desire to be happy, appealing human beings.

There are many things the diet/weight loss industry does NOT want you to know:
- you can't target specific areas for fat-loss. Not one single food is designed to "blast stomach fat away". Many foods naturally are part of a healthy diet and weight maintenance.
-where and how your store fat is mainly decided by your genetic make up
- no matter what celebrity endorsed product/way of life you try, you will never have that celebrity's body. You can only have one body - yours.
- there are no magic numbers that measure your health. Especially not the ones on the scale. BMI is complete crap.
- diet shakes and meal replacement drinks/bars etc. almost always contain more sugar than many ice creams. Just because they say so, doesn't mean they are actually healthy.
- labels that say "scientifically proven" "diet food" "nutriotionally balanced" "low fat" are not necessarily good for you. Processed foods are made for long shelf lives, not for adequate nutrition.
- not everyone needs to lose weight
- you do not need to a certain way to be considered attractive, be loved, or have a great life.
- feeling hungry doesn't mean your lifestyle is working. It means your starving and need fuel
-diet brands care more about their bottom line ($$) than the size of your bottom. Interesting that Jenny Craig is owned by Nestle, Slimfast by Unilever, Weight Watchers by Coolbrands
- being underweight does not equal healthy, nor does always overweight equal unhealthy
- self shaming, loathing and tough love are not effective ways to be healthy
- fat is good for you. Sugar is good for you. Carbs are good for you. Moderate portion sizes, cooking methods, processing and more are ways that make some foods less healthy than others

And something I read today that stuck with me:

There is no wrong way to have a body

If you ever find yourself reaching for your credit card next time the WW commercial comes on, take a second and STOP.
Remember there is more to meet the eye to the product being sold. And more to you, than meets the eye.

Find Your CORE

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