Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring is Springing!

It has been a long, dark winter. Each morning as I woke up and groggily dragged myself over to the window, I would crack one eye open and be momentarily filled with hope. Each morning I got grey skies, cold, damp and well, winter. Winter! Imagine - winter in Canada. I really don't know what I expected.  I know that I am an eternal optimist, and that I always try to look for the good in everything, but not even I can wish away the snow in our beautiful northern country. 
One of the reasons that I love being a fitness instructor is that I get to see people beat the odds. I see people take steps to change their lives. I see smiles bloom, where self doubt once festered. I see posture change from "please don't look at me" to "look at me world!"  I see waistlines shrink, eyes brighten, steps quicken, smiles broaden and bodies strengthen. I see personal transformation occur in each and every class, and celebrate each victory, big and small, with all of the people who take part in our programs. 
Last weekend I had one of the greatest experiences of my life.  I got to lead a class of over 130 people, aged 1- over 80 years old.  Simply amazing - the energy in that room was inspiring - and I can still see the smiles of each and every person who came.  We danced for Gillie Beans. To make a video and celebrate a life cut too short.  We danced together. We laughed together. We remembered a special girl, or met her for the first time. No one left unchanged.
The sun shone, it's warm rays bathing us in it's light. Ribbons waved, laughter carried in the breeze, something special was in the air. 
Spring is a very subjective thing. I know there is a specific date that marks its official beginning, but everyone has that one special thing that makes it real for them.  The first robin, hopping along on the front lawn.  Crocus popping out of the still frozen ground.  That first family walk together in the new warmth. Easter. When does spring begin for you?
I realize that for me it is futile to check out the window each morning for signs of spring. I see it every day.  Every time something beautiful comes to life before my very eyes, and every single time that I see hope and joy arise triumphantly to chase the grey clouds away. 
Spring is springing. Bask in it!

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