Friday, October 12, 2012

It looks fresh and fruity like tasty Kool-Aid But the bug that are in it were murdered with raid

Let me begin this blog entry with the following disclaimer: It has NOTHING to do with fitness. Beyond the fact that it occurred in a facility in which fitness classes take place. It's all about bugs. Which, if I may say, are creepy and crawly. And it is October. So thematically I'm not that far off the mark. But I digress.
I am avoiding admitting a wrong that I did this morning. While washing my hands, fixing my hair, getting myself pumped for my upcoming class,I heard a rustle. A menacing purr. The tiny patter of millions of little arthropod legs. That's right. A bug. In the sink. Near me.
I don't love bugs. I love all living things and believe in the sanctity of life. All life. In fact - I drive Sean NUTS demanding he gently remove the spiders from our ceilings, rather than his preferred method of bug removal - the squash and scrape. I don't need to explain. But bugs, they kinda, well, bug me.I just live in denial of their existence unless directly confronted.
This bug was aggressive, terrifying, out for world domination, I sensed it. I panicked. I turned on the tap, and watched all 100,000 legs swirl around as he desperately tried to cling to life. R.I.P Mr.Manylegsscarybug.
Safe now, I composed myself and taught my class, leaving the ordeal behind me, my fears washed away.
After class, as I bent to change my shoes, I heard a rustle. A menacing purr. the tiny patter of millions of little arthropod legs. That's right. Mr.Manylegsscarybug has friends. And they are out for revenge.
It's antenna waved accusingly at me. It tapped some of its hairy little legs (did I mention it has 100,00 of them? Who needs that many? A little over kill in the design plan, if you ask me) and reared up, angrily declaring it's opinion of my bug killing ways, vowing that my rampage would stop here. He was a bug on a mission. But before I could raise my shoe in defense, I took a closer look.

"Are those tears in it's eyes? Did I deprive this bug of a close family member? Maybe the bug I killed was the family breadwinner. What have I done??" Fear turned to guilt. Time to re-evaluate.
Yes - folks, this is actually what it's like inside my head. Do up your seat belts, the ride is not done.
So I left the bug. Which is what I should have done with the first one. I'm not judging those of you who repel bugs in any way that works for you. We are at the top of the food chain for a reason. But for me, I'm going back to being a pacifist. I'm not taking any chances - if there is a insect revolt, there's more of them than us. I'm padding my chances, people!

Find your CORE.

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