Our family went to Walt Disney World this summer (that's a WHOLE other blog!) and the experience forced me to face a stark reality.....the statistics are correct. America is obese. 1 of 3 people were morbidly obese. 1 of 5 drove themselves from attraction to attraction on a motorized scooter. Now this is NOT a judgement post - I am not the person who cares about what is on the outside, it's the inside of people that is important. That said though, as someone who loves the human race, it is SO upsetting, because we all know that being an unhealthy weight DOES affect what is on the inside, physically,emotionally and mentally. Unfortunately it does seem that Canada continues to be on trend to catch up with what is going on down South. We too are expanding rapidly.
How do we effect change? How do we make a change to this alarming and extremely dangerous issue? I don't know, truly, but I do know that I see people unwilling to let this become an issue for the young people in their lives. Because as parents and communities we have a responsibility to the children in our lives to show them that living active and healthy lives is the best choice for body, mind and soul.
On Saturday our run club went on it's first 5K run. Before the run there was a 1K kids fun run where the young stars of tomorrow made their athletic debut. The kids enthusiasm was contagious, despite the pouring rain, and the spectators, parents and strangers alike, cheered heartily for both the fastest and the slowest runner. They were applauding not the achievement, but the effort. The bravery of someone starting, continuing and finishing. Later on, many of those applauding took the starting line, with their children watching. It poured rain, the wind was blowing little rainy needles into runner's eyes. Sticky wet shirts clung to sweaty backs and shoes squelched along from puddle to puddle. But you know what? The little girl waiting at the starting line to clap for her Mommy? She will one day turn to movement for enjoyment, strength and fun. She'll remember that accomplishment, and seeing Mom go out to move, and to make the effort to be a whole person in every way. The tweenage boy who has decided to start training for his own run after watching his parents cross the line together for the first time after making healthy choices that have changed their lives. And the fully grown woman who cheered for her Mom from the second she turned the corner to sprint from home? She'll keep moving too, and one day will be a similar inspiration for her children.
Simply by being the active and healthy person that you dream for your children to be you are paving the road for them. Showing them that choosing healthy ways to live, eat, move and cope with life's pressures are helping you to be the best Mom/Dad/Auntie/Friend/Neighbour you can be.
Keep on being superheroes to your family and community and we'll make an impact...inside and out!!!
Find your CORE!
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