Thursday, May 26, 2011

Do or do not....there is no try.

Do or do not...there is no try.  A quote from the eternally wise, and suprisingly relevant Yoda.  I saw that quote poste on Twitter and it kind of haunted me. And haunted me some more.  So in the modern way of information gathering, I turned to Google for answers.  Starting first with YouTube to get the quote in context (see link below) and then a search to find out other pearls of Yoda wisdom.  What I discovered is that I think Yoda is on to something.
Last Tuesday it was (surprise!!) raining. In desperation to actually put in some time training for the duathlon which rapidly approaches, I hit the gym.  While pounding the track, I got into my groove and spent my time people watching.  Each lap I passed a man I often see walking there. He obviously suffers from some physical ailment as he walks with a leg brace. Noticeably absent is the cane I used to see him lean on as he walked around and around.  Also I noticed that every three laps or so he would step off the track to hobble up and down the stairs located nearby.  He smiles as he goes around, and I notice that he seems to be people watching and enjoying the sights and sounds, just like I am.  I have been a member for almost two years, and I have often seen him taking his many steps for fitness and rehabilitation.
We have all had times in our life when we have the choice to do or not. And often our answer is to say, "We'll try". But Yoda is right.  There is no in between with doing. We waste our time and our efforts by not believing we can do all the things necessary to make us happy and healthy beings. We sell ourselves short by convincing ourselves that the effort is good enough, and that the results don't matter. When it comes to the things that change lives, ours and others, it is necessary that we do. So next time you are faced with a challenge, place one foot in front of the other, and remember the words of the wise one.  Help you he can.
Check out Yoda in action

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