Monday, March 7, 2011

Truly, anything is possible!

Time to check in on my goals for 2011 again.
Me time - not in the way I expected
3 bike tours with hubby - change of plans slightly
Time with family and friends - working on it
aspartame addiction - still rampant.
So a big, fat goose egg on the goal front for me. Not exactly a good role model for change and inspiring positive change in others.  But let me explain....
I have challenged myself to do something new this year. As much as I will enjoy tackling 160km with Sean in the Ride4UnitedWay, truly it is Sean's goal.  I will gladly trail along behind him, moaning about my sore butt and complaining strongly about the entire process, but I really don't think I am avidly excited about pursuing this as a fitness goal. I am relieved, actually, because this way when Sean beats me, I can reassure myself that I didn't train specifically for it anyway. :)
So, in my typical "bull in a china shop" way, I boldly declared my intention to try a sprint Triathlon. Until Sean (always the voice of reason!) mentioned that I don't run, and cannot swim. So he gently suggested that I rethink that as a goal for 2011, and maybe take some time to learn to swim this year in order to do it in the future.
So I have settled on a duathlon - 7km of running, 25km of cycling. Not worried about the cycling, but RUNNING?!?!?  seriously?? I haven't run since, well, my much more youthful days. I honestly run like a rhinocerous, clomping and snorting along, head down - barreling ahead madly. How on earth am I going to do this? I have spent the last week alternately talking myself out of this and pumping myself up.  So I thought I had better just run and see how it felt. You know, before I completely let the negative voices talk me out of this whole crazy idea.
And you know what? I have run 4 times this last week, culminating yesterday in completing 5km - a feat which I never thought possible. Ever. Seriously - I still can't believe it. It may not seem like a lot, but after nearly defeating myself before I even tried, it is incredible to be now confidently looking forward with great glee to a trial 5K trail run I have entered in a few weeks.   I will definitely have times in this process where I get discouraged, sore, frustrated and unmotivated, but I am determined and excited
So don't let yourself be defeated. If you want something, don't sell yourself short - you will always surprise yourself! For anything is possible. Even beating my aspartame addiction. Eventually. Right??

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