Sunday, September 4, 2011

Falling Back Into Fall

Nope it's not fall  yet, but it's coming!  I know this means that summer is winding down and the happy season of vacations, children riding bikes all day, sun and white fluffy clouds, and sweet, beautiful, wonderful heat is almost at it's end, BUT.. no reason to dismay - fall has it's own glories.  Routine starts up, kids trot off to school, we reunite with people we haven't seen for a couple of months. Fall foods start to show on market shelves - squash, fresh apples, pumpkin and much more.  Fairs and fall markets pop up, showing us "city" folk much of what the surrounding countryside has to offer.  Corn mazes and straw pyramids are great ways to play an afternoon away. A day's entertainment can be found in a lawn full of fallen orange leaves. Apple pie replaces ice cream as dessert of choice, and fresh apple cider is warmed and seasoned with cinammon.
Both my children are in school full time this year - and this has made me realize a few things. Despite years of counting down to this day, it is actually bittersweet. Just as my children become real human beings, we have to ship them off so that someone else enjoys those wonderful moments of discovery and wonder so beautiful to behold. Fall means something different to me this year (apart from FREEDOM!! Hahaha!). It's a time to make the promises of summer the reality of your life. Take the things that you have evaluated/experienced over the beautiful months and carry on these new habits, viewpoints, joys, and moments lived when the sun is not shining as brightly, the weather is not as ideal and time feels not quite as idyllic. Make each day unique and beautiful. And take some time to jump in a big pile of leaves!!

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